Friday, December 08, 2006


To be trapped
In that gaze
In that moment
In that silence
In that heartbeat

In that heartbeat
The world is turning faster than ever
Nights and day conflicting
What real seems unreal
What’s unreal seems possible

In that heartbeat
The world stops
Night and day compromise
Reality intrudes
Dream shatters

Can you hear my heart is breaking?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Basically it's about one look or glance of 2 people that cannot be together. For various reasons such as couple yang dah break up but one of them or both of them still love each other.. or somebody who already has someone but fall in love with someone else anyways.. or somebody who bertepuk sebelah tangan.. for all of these, the first feeling that hits them is love but as the reality fade in, they realize that it's never going to happen.. hence the love and despair at the same time...