Monday, March 30, 2009

Good morning, and in case I don't see ya...

Have you ever felt like you are in a TV show and your whole life is being watched? If you watch the Truman Show, you might know what I am talking about. That is how I feel sometimes. Not feeling that the world is revolve around me nor I am the center of attention. But feel that the world sometimes cooperates with me. My prayers are being answered quite literally that it became scary at times.

That is sure hard to explain and I can imagine hard for you to understand too. Let me give you an example.

I had a bad morning. A bad one that comes once in every 4 months, that bad. As usual, I put on a happy face to work and sign in my gtalk and chatting happily. So, the people who I talked to could not possibly know that I had a bad morning at all. Other than the fact I already put on my happy face (although she cannot see me), the conversation that we had was not even in a close proximity of my feeling that morning. 

So, it startled me when suddenly, out of nowhere she said:

"jgn la sedih sangat bab xxx tu.. remember, God has our best interest in mind"

We wasn't even talking about that and when did talk about it yesterday, my tone was nothing but happy. The funny thing is I didnot realize that is why I was unhappy this morning. It was very surprising because as far as people around me are concern, I look happy. Noone should know, yet somebody does. How peculiar.

It is as if my life is a movie being directed when all other casts know what was going on except for me. As if, under the curtain, my Director told my actress friend to comfort me because that is what you are supposed to do when your friend is sad. 

Except of course I know that is not true. 

In a way, our lives are all being directed and the world that we are living in is the stage. It has one Director and the other casts who know what's going are indirectly involve in our lives. They are the crews, who each and everyone of them has a duty to fulfil. The closet to us are our greatest companions, writing our good and bad deeds on our back. One will visit us once the Director has decided to take us off the casts. There are more than millions of them.

So, I don't really know which one of them have whisphered what I was feeling to this friend of mine this morning nor do I know why they choose that particular person in the first place. 

Hmm.. angels do speak the same language, yes?


Saya Yang Ayu said...

Dalam soal hati dan perasaan nie, orang yang telah melalui kepahitan akan memahami keadaan kite even before kite tahu what it is that hit us. That friend knew what you're going through and is extending her hand to let you know you can talk about it. No need to pretend, it is okay to be human and have feelings.

I'm assuming it's a girl lah. Miss you tanjung sayang. Take care.

Mardiana Kamaruddin said...

Thanks Lina, Missing you too... :)

Red said...


i miss youuuuuuuu

(ok, ni bukan comment sebenarnya... hahahah)

Mardiana Kamaruddin said...

Ye Sheila, kau dah tulis entry baru.. at last!!!

p/s I miss you too.. :P

syuhadaa said...
