Saturday, May 09, 2009

Something I want To say A long Time Ago

I agree: 

Appearing to be humble and actually being humble are two very different things.
Cocky people disgust me too.
Humility is indeed the key.

Hehe, as if sending SMS to Ainur did not already emphasize my feeling on this. Not to mention my comment on Ayaz's blog. 

But really, wake up! Open your eyes. Just because you went to great school or took writing lessons or have your own business, that doesn't mean you know it all. I'd like to see how you handle it when you fall flat on your face. Well, that sounds a little extreme. Whatever. 

The world is round you see. And life is fair with all its unfairness. Although you appear to be religous, you sure don't act like one. Shame on you. 

Humility is the key, yes it is.

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