Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
1. Tempat Jatuh Lagi Dikenang - Adibah Amin - Amazing journey of a girl called Hanim. I first read it when I was 8 and has repeated it over and over again until today. It is just that good.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
If you don't start with that, what are you going to end up with?
Fall head over heels.
I say find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back.
And how do you find him? Forget your head and listen to your heart.
Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back.
Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this.
To make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all.
You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived.
-William Parrish, Meet Joe Black (1998)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
His behavior and his evident good health made him stand out from the other inmates.
I sat down beside him and asked:
‘What are you doing here?’
He looked at me, surprised. But seeing that I was not one of the doctors, he replied:
‘It’s very simple. My father, a brilliant lawyer, wanted me to be like him. My uncle, who owns a large emporium, hoped I would follow his example. My mother wanted me to be the image of her beloved father. My sister always set her husband before me as an example of the successful man. My brother tried to train me up to be a fine athlete like himself.
And the same thing happened at school, with the piano teacher and the English teacher - they were all convinced and determined that they were the best possible example to follow. None of them looked at me as one should look at a man, but as if they were looking in a mirror.
So I decided to enter this asylum. At least here I can be myself.’
Benarkah salahku, lepaskan kamu
Kau duga egoku, fahami diriku begini
Tiada yang sama
Yang pasti kita semua bebeza
Kau fikirlah
Tiada guna cipta sebuah cerita
Kalau kisah kita sementara
Rasa hati dan langkahmu
Membuat aku keliru
Tiada guna kita menderita
Sungguh semua tidur pun tak lena
Rasa hati dan katamu
Tak lagi seperti dulu
Verse 2
Kita pernah satu, aku dan kamu
Dulu itu dulu, masih di dalam ingatanku
Kini berbeza
Namun masih ku harap kau bersedia
Oo mungkinkah, kau temu bahagia
Lepaskan semua mimpimu
Tangis dan juga sayumu
Kau fikirlah
Tiada guna cipta sebuah cerita
Kalau kisah kita sementara
Rasa hati dan langkahmu
Membuat ku keliru
Tiada guna kita menderita,
Sungguh semua tidur pun tak lena,
Rasa hati dan katamu
Tak lagi seperti dulu
Sungguh semua tidur pun tak lena
Rasa hati dan katamu
Tak lagi seperti dulu
Aku keliru
Aku keliruuuu....
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday, May 09, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
A: Just curious, why you picked to donate $7.29?
B: Because that's all I could afford without making my bank account empty.
Someone actually donated that much because that is all she can afford. Yet she did it anyway because she knows that it won't go unrewarded. In fact, she'll get more out of it.
Right now, I am not asking you to donate your money because there are actually a lot of donors out there. What they are requesting right now are letters from us to the refugee families. I know writing letters, buying stamps, posting them can be a hassle. So, if there is something you want to say to these families, you can email me or simply leave a comment here. I will mail the words to them. For more information on this project, you can refer to this page: http://halfdate.com/2009/04/02/care-for-refugees/#address
I'm sure whoever you are, you do feel alone sometimes. Even when you have the people you love with you. Imagine these people who just lost almost everyone they knew. Moving to a place where everything is so alien, including the language. Imagine their nights, the vivid images that they see during their wake and their sleep. Imagine their day, missing the people that they used to know. Imagine your loneliness and compared it with theirs. The letters would help ease the feeling. Let's lend a helping hand, let's write a letter, ok?
p/s if you know a kindergarden teacher or if you know anyone at all who are looking for a project, you can propose this one.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Family #1 (Iraqi)
Single woman, lives on her own, doesn’t speak English. Wallahy she has been waiting all week for our visit, she hasn’t been here for long and doesn’t know that many ppl. Has no one to talk to, and thats her main problem, she wants to learn English so bad. I suggest some sisters make it a habit to visit her twice a week. Maybe get some dessert or something and just go spend some quality time with her. She will be having surgery in April so won’t be able to work this month until she gets the surgery and recovers. She also needs pocket money during this period until she starts working again. Please visit her, call her on the phone, make her know that she is not forgotten!
Family #2 (Iraqi)
Single woman living with her mom and she is the one that has to pay the bills, her mom is too old to work. She was in dire need of finding a job last week and alhamdulillah she just got one a couple of days ago. She hasn’t been working for a month though and her rent has to be paid before the end of the month!!! She also is planning to move closer to work because she takes 3 buses just to get there from where they live. So we promised to help her move, but rent still has to be paid for this month!!!
Family #3 (Iraqi)
A man in his mid 30s, can’t work because he has a lot of medical problems, needs help paying his electric bill (inshalla is in the process of being taken care of). He doesn’t speak English and therefore is isolated in this big world! We should start making it a habit to visit him every week too. He says he could use some furniture around the house so we need to go visit him and find out how can we help him more.
Family #4 (Iraqi)
The father used to work as a barber in Iraq, he had another job here but got laid off because of the economy. He said he is waiting on his papers to come from Iraq this week so that he can start working his normal job (cutting hair). He is having trouble paying the bills and rent till he starts working again.
- Collecting $4,977 USD (rent about $750 + educational programs for $500)
- Getting 70 support comments and dua, click here to post a pleasant word
- Getting 6 support letters/cards for kids and parents mail them to this address
- Grow HalfDate: For every mailing list signup, HalfDate will donate $1 up to $200. Just join the mailing list and post a comment that you are participating in Alamaanah drive
- Blog for a cause: For every blog post about helping refugees/Alamaanah, $5 will be donated up to $250
- A pleasant word! For every comment or Dua about Sadaqah or refugees posted about helping refugees, $1 Canadian Dollar will be donated up to $100.
- Matching Challenge: If 100 people each donates $5, I’ll match their donations ($500) - post in the comment
- Unemployed & Broke Challenge: If an unemployed Muslim donates $20, we’ll double it up to ($500) - post in the comment
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Just another book review and more
[Warning: Might contain a spoiler for the Twillight book series. Do not proceed if you have not read the book or if you love Stephanie Meyer. The author is not responsible for any heart break due to the criticism of the book]
I commented about “Twillight”, the book series, in Ina’s blog. I am not correcting it. I stand by my opinion but I think it deserve a proper review.
I was wrong when I thought I was addicted to it the last time. Last time, I did not get addicted to the book. I was however, floating in the cloud reading it. It was too good to be true and besides the fact I know that it is not healthy for me, I read it anyways. I read ¾ of the second book and then jump to the ending. For the third and fourth book, I simply flipped through it and went straight to the ending. I was not addicted to the book. I was, however, very curious to find out how it ends.
Stephanie Meyer is quite redundant in her writing and she put a lot of details which bore me. I just want to know if Edward’s going to turn Bella into a vampire and he did. That was a disappointment because it’s too predictable. It is what the readers want. I wanted to be surprised.
Despite my negative reviews though, I found myself hung up on the series. I just cannot stop reading it, especially the first book. I am now addicted to it. Still, I can point out so many flaws on the writing, the plot, and the characters. It puzzled me how it is possible for me to be addicted to something that I know is bad for me, emotionally.
Then again, it is not that surprising. Else we would not have drug addicts or alcoholics. After several days of thinking (obviously my life is that happening), I think I know why the book is such a success or to be precise, why I can’t just let it go.
It’s easy to relate to Bella. Almost all of the female population, age ranging from 14 to 45 is a Bella. She is clumsy, she is insecure, she feels that she doesn’t fit anywhere and she’s invisible. Ordinary, or at least that’s what we think of ourselves. Most of us are wondering if this is as far as we could go. Most of us are hoping for some miracle to happen, waiting to break out of that ordinary shell. Waiting for a savior, an Edward.
Edward is a classic Prince Charming. He is very attractive with unbelievably handsome features, husky & seducing voice, addictive smell and with supernatural powers. He is romantic. He says exactly what you want to hear and the most amazing thing is he loves you a hell lot more than you love him, which is beyond infinite. Now isn’t that something?
And then, there’s a Jacob. Meyer is quite good in tackling her audience. Not every women like an Edward. For some, despite the danger in his diet preference, he is not enough of a bad boy. He is too good that it became annoying at times. Jacob is the solution. He’s young, he’s reckless and he’s dangerous. Unlike Edward who thinks thoroughly of his decision, Jacob is the exact opposite. He is passionate about everything and he could care less about rules. A classic Bad Boy.
They are the extremes of each type and both of them love Bella to death. This is even better than Cinderella. She only got one guy saving her. Bella has two. Yet all she wants to do is be a vampire. How ambitious.
After the fifth (I exaggerated of course, it’s more than that) time reading it, I finally appreciate all the minor, insignificant details described by Meyer. If I was in the cloud before, the minor details that I later appreciate put me in the seventh heaven. People say that she is an imaginative person. I disagree with that. J.K Rowling is an imaginative person. Meyer is not. How hard is it to fantasize having a guy loving you that much? How many of us do that every day? Don’t lie. You did do that every day.
What Meyer did is simply take the fantasy that is on the mind of every girl (even if that girl has a boyfriend) and put it into a story. Of course, I would not disregard all the vampire/werewolf details, the volturi and what not. When I said I flipped through the book, I made sure that I get the gist of it. Still, the strong essence of the book is the love story. The twilight series is a love story. No more than that.
Bella always thinks less of herself and in the story she did get saved. Then she became extraordinary. Life is much more interesting than that. It’s not always you get saved before you become extraordinary. In many cases, that is not even how it happened. You need to save yourself, prince charming or no prince charming. Don’t wait for a prince charming to save you. On the other hand do not wait to save yourself before you go find your prince charming. Just take care of your own miracle. It’ll come.
I guess it is good every once in a while to fantasize. At least it will keep our hopes up. Make the bad days easier to deal with. But let’s keep it at that. People tend to let it hold them and when I said people, I meant me. I get influenced easily and when I did, it was too overwhelming. If you are like me, we know better when to fish and when to cut the bait. I think now is the time to cut the bait.